MARS 3100 - Oceans in PERIL
The oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface. Certain aspects of ocean circulation, element distributions, and biological activity are changing at unprecedented rates. This course provides an introduction to basic oceanography and presents an overview of some of the key local, regional, and global scale changes occurring in the ocean. We will also discuss the potential impacts of these changes and what can be done to reverse present trends.
Undergraduate level
MARS 4620 - microbial ecology
Emphasizes the roles of microorganisms in ecosystems. Nutrient cycles, methods of microbial analysis, and the functional roles of microorganisms.
Undergraduate level
Emphasizes the roles of microorganisms in ecosystems. Nutrient cycles, methods of microbial analysis, and the functional roles of microorganisms.
Graduate level
Microbial processes influence all aspects of the Earth, ranging from atmospheric composition to elemental cycling in the deep biosphere. This course describes the interaction of biology with geologic, environmental, and climate change processes throughout Earth history and provides a broad understanding of the history of life on Earth.
Graduate level